Planning for Summer Camp

I never knew summer camp planning for kids was such a big headache. All research we have to go through to keep Emery occupied while mommy and daddy go to work and make money to support. 

Thankfully Emery helped me rank her preferences in order of most preferred 1 to least preferred 8. That’s the consultant in me. 

So what does this tell us about Emery?  


Crazy Besties

We met up with our friends Shoko and Wim and their daughter Amelia who is about a few days apart of Emery on age. The two are such great friends and they are just crazy and mischievous together. They are so cute we hope they will be life long friends. Here’s some pics of the “best friends” aka “besties” having fun on the belt line.

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Funny Things Emery Says

Emery is always saying things that are really funny and sometimes unknowingly profound or interesting:

My pee wants to give the toilet some water

Can I have this lollipop now and this other one not now?

We are talking about months and birthdays. Emery and Ashley are in the car driving to school in the morning

Emery: Mama, I have a question for you, whose birthday is in May and it starts with an E? Ashley (joking): elin (Emery’s classmate). Emery: No! Ashley: Ella? Emery: No! She is in her car seat in the same car as you. Ashley: hmmm. Emery: It’s Me!!! Then they both start laughing

We have trouble putting Emery to bed in her new bedroom and sleeping by herself. One night Ray puts her to bed but Emery doesn’t want to be left alone.

Emery: I don’t want to be alone. Ray: but you are not alone. You have all your friends. (Meaning the kitties and toys). Emery: no they are not real friends. They are not real. I don’t want to be alone by myself.

We were buckling in on the airplane when Emery pointed at the two lights for “fasten seatbelt” and “no smoking”. Emery said it meant:

Don’t take off your seat belt and you need your toothpaste.

Mommy did you know I love you to the moon and in the back…

I mid May 2014, Emery wakes up on morning and jumps into our bed and shouts:

mommy daddy, wake up, it’s spring!!!

Emery Has Much To Say About Her “Baby”

Emery has a little stuff Hello Kitty doll whom she calls “Baby”.  She has had Baby since she was little and loves to take Baby with her everywhere.  Emery loves to talk and last night she went on for about 10 minutes straight about her “Baby” Hello Kitty stuffed animal.

Here she is talking about parenting her Baby. 🙂

Emery is so strong!

It’s definitely a sign that Emery is growing up when she is able to pick up Pok’e. The other day she called to us to look at her and there she was, A mound of fluffy fur in covering her face as she peered over. Emery was also able to pick up a apply who is about 16lbs and carry him over to couch. She is such a big girl now!
