Emery is #1

Yesterday, Emery had her 4th gymnastics meet. Emery is part of the recreational team at Atlanta North Star Gymnastics. This season she is in level 2. Emery had 4 events to compete in. To all of our surprise, Emery did amazing and got 1st place in the overall. We are so proud of her. Emery told us after her very first meet that she wants to get 1st place. Now she has.

After the meet Emery was so happy with herself and she said next time she wants to do even better.

Here is how she did.

Vault – 3rd

Bars – 1st

Beam – 8th

Floor – 6th

Overall – 1st

Our little climber

Emery and her best friend Sofia went climbing today at Escalade in Kennesaw. These kids had such a blast. They claimed for 2 hours straight, never even a bit of rest or pause. When they did stop climbing they ran around and played on the slide.

Emery was quite tenacious with her climbs. She did all ones for the kids, doing each one multiple times. Where were two that was especially challenging and she kept at it a few times until she fell like it hurt her hands too much. She was quite strong and was able to pull herself up with her arms and seems so comfortable with with the height. In each climb , especially the more difficult ones, she had to use her mind and figure out where her options were and best way to go about it. Our friends the Ramirez family introduced this sport to us and it’s something we have never done or been exposed to before.

Although Ashley and I don’t do it, I was seriously tempted!

Emery’s White Christmas

There was an unexpected snow storm, “Benji” that hit Atlanta. Thankfully I️ decided to work from home on Friday morning as did Ashley. Emery’s school had early dismissal and she got to play in really 6 inches of snow!

We made a snowman and Emery was wanted to make it a Patriots snowman with the number 12. TB12 as he is known now accordingly to Ashley who is a diehard pats fan.

Later on Saturday morning Eugene was over and we had a giant snowball fight in the yard. Everyone go soaked. It was all of us against Eugene but he protected himself Pretty well even though he wore shorts!

Christmas 2015 in ATL 

My parents and brother came down to ATL to spend Christmas with us. It’s great having them here and Emery is having so much fun with uncle, grandma and grandpa. 

We did so many activities during  this trip it’s hard to list them all. 

Mom and dad took Emery to Chattanooga. We ate about 15 different restaurants. We watched Star Wars , old and the new one that came out. We cooked lots of food, made bread using the bread machine. We open gifts, played lots of chess and saw a whole bunch of sites in Atlanta. Eugene even go Ashley and I to join in on two of his cross fit work outs. What a Christmas. I need a detox from all the holiday family craziness. 


Crazy Besties

We met up with our friends Shoko and Wim and their daughter Amelia who is about a few days apart of Emery on age. The two are such great friends and they are just crazy and mischievous together. They are so cute we hope they will be life long friends. Here’s some pics of the “best friends” aka “besties” having fun on the belt line.

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